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Showing posts from April, 2011

Dunning-Kruger effect

An interesting read. "The unskilled suffer from illusory superiority, rating their ability as above average, much higher than it actually is, while the highly skilled underrate their own abilities, suffering from illusory inferiority." Another humorous way of saying this is that if you are an optimist, then you don't have all of the information.

CSVDE Command Syntax

I learned today how to query AD from the command line to list only active servers. The filter includes the conditions "not disabled" and also "not an EMC Celerra" csvde -f output.csv -r "(&(objectClass=computer)(!(userAccountControl=4098))(&(operatingSystem=*server*)(!(operatingSystem=EMC Celerra *))))" -l displayName,operatingSystem,operatingSystemVersion,operatingSystemServicePack,name,cn,dNSHostName

Aerobatic Season coming up

I am very excited about this season 2013. We not only have 2 contests that our local club will be hosting, but also we have a number of very good ideas for improving the new member experience. One suggestion is to host learning session on a weekend instead of regular meetings. Define a guest speaker and invite non-members. The suggested topics so far are: a "Reading Aresti" course. Also, a session on Maintaining a Pitts. about parachutes, how to get started in aerobatics, Etc